[WORKING] Journal Article Submission: Fiscal consolidations and associated output losses across the developed world from 1980-today Academic, Economics, Politics, public policyjustin velez-haganApril 26, 2021
Blog: How Tax Increases and Spending Adjustments Will Affect the World's Short-Run Economy Academic, Economics, public policyjustin velez-haganApril 5, 2021
Op-ed: Legislation can guarantee the neutrality our internet economy deserves Economics, public policy, thehill-comOctober 27, 2017ajit pai, fcc, net neutrality, open internet order, puerto rico, title IIComment
Remarks: Current Economic Climate Economics, public policySeptember 13, 2017economic development, hispanic jobs, hispanics in workforce, millennial jobs, workforce developmentComment
Book: So Many Economic Myths . . . where do I begin? Common Sense book, Economics, public policyJuly 24, 2017basic economics, business taxes, common sense behind basic economics, economic myths, economics, economics textbooks, fcc, Google, trickle downComment
Blog: How a Puerto Rican State Will Benefit the U.S. Economics, Other Publications, Politics, public policy, puerto rico economic c..., UncategorizedJune 20, 2017puerto rico, puerto rico 51st state, puerto rico economy, puerto rico statehood
Op-ed: President-elect Trump’s infrastructure plan should start here Economics, Politics, public policy, thehill-comDecember 7, 20165g, infrastructure, IoT, president trump, smart cities, spectrum, tech policy, telecommunications policyComment
Op-ed: Let the private sector lead the way in Puerto Rico Business, Economics, Fox News, Politics, public policy, puerto rico economic c..., puerto rico elections ...October 7, 2016private sector, promesa, puerto rico business, puerto rico debt crisisComment
TV: BBC World News discussion of largest GO bond default since 1933 Economics, Other Publications, Politics, public policy, puerto rico economic c..., VideosJuly 1, 2016BBC, bond default, municipal bonds, promesa, puerto rico bondsComment
Op-ed: Not So Fast, The Fed May Not Hike Just Yet Economics, Other Publications, public policyDecember 15, 2015fed meeting, fed policy, fed rate hike, federal reserve, monetary policyComment
Book: Press release picked up by news sources around the country Economics, public policyNovember 3, 2015economic policy, justin velez-hagan, public policy, the common sense behind basic economicsComment
Op-ed: New Internet Regulations Have Very Bad Timing Economics, FoxNewsLatino-com, net neutrality, public policyJune 30, 2015fcc, net neutrality, open internet rulesComment
Op-ed: Is Puerto Rico’s last hope bankruptcy? Economics, FoxNewsLatino-com, Politics, public policyApril 30, 2015Comment
Op-ed: Elected representatives, not the FCC, will protect our interests in Internet commerce Economics, FoxNewsLatino-com, Politics, public policyFebruary 25, 2015fcc, net neutrality, title IIComment
Blog: Internet Policy in Europe: Lessons for the US Academic, Economics, public policyFebruary 13, 2015broadband, european union, fcc, net neutralityComment
Op-ed: Dynamic Competition in Internet Sector Economics, Politics, public policy, thehill-comFebruary 2, 2015broadband policy, fcc, internet, net neutralityComment