Op-ed: New Political Momentum for Puerto Rican Statehood Economics, Politics, puerto rico economic c..., thehill-comMay 15, 2018governor rick scott, puerto rico statehood, rep- rob bishop, senator marco rubio
Op-ed: Legislation can guarantee the neutrality our internet economy deserves Economics, public policy, thehill-comOctober 27, 2017ajit pai, fcc, net neutrality, open internet order, puerto rico, title IIComment
Op-ed: President-elect Trump’s infrastructure plan should start here Economics, Politics, public policy, thehill-comDecember 7, 20165g, infrastructure, IoT, president trump, smart cities, spectrum, tech policy, telecommunications policyComment
Op-ed: Politicians are missing an opportunity on the economy Economics, Politics, thehill-comOctober 4, 2016cyber education, cybersecurity, cybersecurity jobs, economic growth, economy, education, educational choice, puerto rico, tech diversity, tech industry, tech jobsComment
Op-ed: Public-private partnerships don’t always end in a 'win-win' Economics, thehill-comJuly 26, 2016buffalo billions, governor cuomo, new york economy, public-private partnership, solar city, SolarCity, the hillComment
Op-ed: Does a sub-minimum wage create jobs? Economics, puerto rico economic c..., thehill-comApril 23, 2016fight for 15, hr 4900, minimum wage, promesa, puerto rico, puerto rico fiscal crisis, subminimum wageComment
Op-ed: The Fed didn't raise rates. Will Congress get involved? Economics, thehill-comSeptember 21, 2015discount rate, federal reserve, fomc, monetary policy, the fedComment
Op-ed: How the FCC's New Internet Regulations are Already Hurting the Economy Economics, Small Business, thehill-comMay 22, 2015economy, fcc, net neutrality Comment
Op-ed: Dynamic Competition in Internet Sector Economics, Politics, public policy, thehill-comFebruary 2, 2015broadband policy, fcc, internet, net neutralityComment