Op-ed: More Unlicensed Spectrum May Improve Opps for Businesses in the COVID Crisis UncategorizedApril 8, 2020
Op-ed: 5G wireless is critical to helping Puerto Ricans prosper at home and in PA UncategorizedJanuary 15, 2020 Comment
Blog: How a Puerto Rican State Will Benefit the U.S. Economics, Other Publications, Politics, public policy, puerto rico economic c..., UncategorizedJune 20, 2017puerto rico, puerto rico 51st state, puerto rico economy, puerto rico statehood
Book: The Economic Impact of a "Border Tax" Uncategorized, AcademicJanuary 30, 2017border tax, free trade, justin velez-hagan, protectionism, quotas, tariffs, the common sense behind basic economicsComment