Blog: Pre-election Giveaway of The Common Sense behind Basic Economics


" light of this year's elections (and ensuing economic debates) . . . I'm giving away a bunch of copies of my book The Common Sense behind Basic Economics: A guide for budding economists, students, and voters."

(Learn more about the book here.)

Whether you know it or not, economics affects us all, every day, all day, in every which way.  Although the price of a gallon of gas (or the current exchange rate of a PokéCoin) might have greater influence on your view of the economy, policies that impact many such costs are thought up, designed, and enacted by elected leaders who appoint other officials who hire still others to think about and do what they believe is best for the greater good of the country . . . and yes, it does affect you and your family.In light of this year’s election (and ensuing economic debates), combined with the massive, endless, and growing pool of economic nonsense floating around the world wide interweb everyday, I'm giving away a bunch of copies of my book The Common Sense behind Basic Economics: A guide for budding economists, students, and voters.  No, this isn’t a marketing ploy; I won’t get anything out of it (besides the sweet, sweet bliss that comes with knowing I helped educate the world :) ).I wrote this book to provide an understanding of the basics of basic economics for those who a) haven’t had an economics course; b) don’t remember or never understood their economics course; or c) don’t see how that gobbledygook applies to the real world.  If you’re among these, don’t be ashamed, you’re not alone.  In fact, many (most?) of our “benevolent” elected leaders have misunderstandings that parallel our own, but are experts at wrapping theirs in elegant, opaque, and distracting words.  They don’t know, but since you don’t either, you assume they do, while few of us really do.  :/  See how this can lead to lots of confusion, and even more trouble?It’s time you knew and I’m going to do my best to help a few of you with a free copy of my book (that's a 100% discount, for those of you who also don't like math).  I’ll also occasionally post passages related to current events and debates for those who aren’t able to get your hands on a copy.  On top of that, I’m open to discussion.  Don’t get something?  Hey, I’m here for you man/ma’am . . .So, who gets a “free” copy?  Frankly, I’m fronting my own dough to give these bad boys away, so I’d like to at least see a compelling reason (in the hopes that all of my friends and family have used up the “but, we go way back!” argument).  Be creative, but don’t make it difficult and neither will I.  Someone, or a bunch of someones, are going to get a copy of this most pleasant-looking hardback; it might as well be you.Good luck, and just to get the ball rolling, I’m posting the introduction from my book here (as well as here & here, for good measure) to try and get you interested (or make you realize that your time is better spent elsewhere).  Looking forward to the discussion and helping us all play our small part in making the country just a tad more better (betterer?  It's not a grammar book either, FYI).Hit me with your best shot:[contact-form to='' subject='Free book request'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Social Security # (just kidding)' type='url'/][contact-field label='Why?' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]