TV: Fox News on Puerto Rico's primary & impact on the US election


Originally aired on Fox News.  See video segment here.

Puerto Rico held its Republican primary election on Sunday, March 6th, which may have an impact, not only the upcoming primary election in Florida, but perhaps even the presidential general election in November.  While none of the 3.5 million residents of Puerto Rico can vote in the general election, they do have close ties to the nearly 1 million Puerto Ricans who now reside in the important swing state of Puerto Rico who may influence their decisions.

Justin Velez-Hagan gives his take on why the stakes are high, as well as insight into the fact that Puerto Ricans in Florida may be able to be swayed to consider either a Republican or a Democrat, given that their dominant affiliation on the island is not to either party.See the short piece at Fox News in its entirety here.